Saturday, November 4, 2023





The world of flora & fauna is unique, the key differentiator making them unique is that NATURE, GOD or ALMIGHTY whatever name you call has embedded the moisture & oil in every living organism which creates the uniqueness in taste & smell. In the presence of heat the moisture evaporates & the oil vapourises like a perfume & spread the aroma around.

Gourmet cooking is all about cooking food at an optimum temperature for an optimum time by preserving maximum moisture & its oil without carbonising the food.

Indians culinary practice is cooking & eating at a WELL-DONE level (78 degree Celsius & above) as all the bacteria gets neutralised. Bacteria survives & multiplies within a temperature band of 5 to 65 degree Celsius. Eliminating bacteria& preventing burning of the food  is key part of cooking. In DAIRY through PASTEURISATION, where milk is taken above 70 degree Celsius & then through blast freezing is brought to sub-zero temperature & due to this, thermal shock is created where the bacteria gets neutralised.

ROGAN in Indian cooking is a very popular word, meaning the floating of oil on top, which is a sign of food being perfectly cooked.

The beauty of Agnisumukh radiant heat technology is that our burners produces far-infrared rays where heat transfer is through conduction, convection & radiation mechanism, the energy produced is smokeless, noiseless flameless, producing uniform heat which passes through every molecule of food by uniformly cooking without any pesssurised centric heat thereby, preserving maximum moisture & oil after cooking.

Cooked food is best when we eliminate carbon inside & outside the food. Let me share how AGNISUMUKH has achieved this tremendous feat. Conventional gas burners work on pressurised centric heat where moisture of the food gets used up & food gets burnt this is a big menace in commercial kitchen across the world. Eating any amount of charred food can never be healthy. To prevent burning of food in a pan or wok the user usually makes faster back & forth movement & sometime tossing the food also. Exactly in our platform this method of cooking is unnecessary as the heat is evenly spread throughout the bottom of pan & a cookpot, the food usually never get burnt, This is how we eliminate carbon inside the food.

While all free flame conventional gas burners emit higher amount of carbon monoxide & nitrogen oxide. Improper combustion also leads to generation of carbon soot and increasing the ambient heat in the kitchen. In this process men in kitchen not only inhales higher emissions of carbon but also experience extreme heat causing discomfort. The kitchen equipment also becomes hotter as it stores the ambient heat causing further discomfort.

In Agnisumukh platform there is complete combustion so there is neither emission of carbon soot nor higher ambient heat & emissions of carbon monoxide & Nitrogen Oxide.

This feature is not available in any conventional gas burner system as the heat transfer mechanism is only by conduction, convection mechanism, based on flame technology, through centric pressurised heat. Currently there is no technology across the globe in commercial cooking through gas fuel for healthy & nutritious cooking food other than AGNISUMUKH.





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