Friday, July 8, 2022



Joy ran to his mother with report card with great enthusiasm, the moment Lisa opened the report card, hell broke loose for Joy as the first reaction of mother was “Joy I am not happy, you just see Suresh topped the class with 95% while you are jumping happily with 78%, check with & learn from Suresh. Now Joy instead of being happy was sad. Abhiram, a cousin of my friend was in conversation with me “ Anna I want to follow the footsteps of Pavan Anna, as I am very inspired from him.” Initially it sounded very natural for me but later my reaction towards Abhiram became harsh & I replied

Abhi Tammudu 


I am sorry you seem to have misunderstood me.


It’s natural to like & get influenced by  ideologies & follow people but what I meant was that  by doing it blindly we will lose our natural strength what makes Abhiram as Abhiram. 


God has created different brush to paint  all  us  with unique abilities which exists only in us & is not out there. So when is that we are going to explore & discover that uniqueness in us as usually no one will do that for us. It’s a lone walk.


Do not get only influenced but discover the real you in you.


Just as you are finding good in others find that good & the unique aspect in you & work tirelessly on it. As no one can do that for us than our own self as we are the only one who is living under our own skin. 


We daily go alone to bed with our own self.


Is all I had to say?”


Seeking excellence & perfection is common phenomena in a human society. Right from the time senses prevailed in the mind as a child & thereafter in the process of growing as an adult I have experienced that there is a silent chase for perfection by first identifying a successful role model as a standard, then compare as to where we are and then start the aspect of shedding & chiseling our imperfections, this whole process is indoctrinated in us by our parents, peers or the social system we live in.


The perfection is just an ideal mental construct, a utopia or a mere fiction & actually does not exist in reality. No one is PERFECT & IMPERFECT is alone BEAUTIFUL is the idea behind writing this article.

MY GOD IS IMPERFECT is inspired by taking a deep peep into NATURE which includes humans, every species & every object on this earth.

Let us test a hypothesis by taking a human or any object on this earth by cutting into two equal half. In order to understand better let’s take my own self as an example & extend this logic to every object existing on this earth.  After cutting into two equal half when we compare then we shall find that my right hand will not match with my left nor my legs, fingers, fingerprints, kidney, heart or any part of my body.

As I believe in GOD as my creator, in order to avoid controversies people can replace god with nature for convenience. I was now searching why two part of the same body is not alike. It is then I started introspecting whether its by chance or by design.  I found that its by his benevolence he sent a message that despite being your creator I am happy with my imperfection & it is more attributed to benevolence than being perfect.

It is then I understood the difference between HUMAN WORLD & NATURAL WORLD & the intention & their respective creators.




My God is imperfect as he is an ARTIST & not an ENGINEER. An artist is driven by only compassion & does not believe in creating duplicates. While an engineer philosophy foundation is based on cut, copy & paste leading to repeatability like assembly line, little difference from standards become rejects through quality control & goes to dustbin as scrap.

Human world on the other hand scale everything into a standard & rank the whole society on similarity than uniqueness. When a person does not fit to a given standard are termed as misfit & deviants & sometime find their way into mental asylum.

The difference between human world & natural world depends on the theory of abundance the natural world philosophy vests upon abundance in giving while, the human world philosophy vests upon abundance in taking. Natural world foundation is based on love, compassion & silence while human society vests on pillars of fear, greed & guilt.

Cosmic reality & natural world is a world of imperfections. The contradiction of the human world can be experienced, when humans become tired & alienated while living in human society, they enter the natural world to get back their life. The beauty & power of the natural world is so much that they return from the natural world not as humans but as nature itself. This is what learned men like Buddha & many seekers did.

Seeking happiness from the imperfect world is distant possibility. Searching peace by accepting imperfections in the eco-system we live in is in the vicinity of immediate possibility. In my opinion there is no one coming to rescue us from exploring our true self .Let us accept unquestionably that I am unique & so is everyone to gain eternal peace.


I became a civil servant in the year 1999 by passing out from 53rd batch of IRS. After a decade I quit the service as Joint commissioner of Income-tax as I was feeling hollow inside despite the society felt it was an enviable job. I just went to Meenakshi temple in Madurai & chose a coin to stay in service or quit. The result was to leave the service & choose my new love the passion in cooking. I did what my spirit asked for but the quest was to find why I was feeling hollow despite reaching peak in my career.


Looking within I realised that I had a reached a state of depression of success. The desire to become a civil servant was not mine but my father’s desire. At this juncture I felt hollow not because as to what I achieved but I was not living my desire. It’s only when I realised that when I am in kitchen I dwelled with feeling that interacted with God’s it then I was not only happy, joyous & contended but I felt complete. Giving up what I didn’t relish & choosing my desire by aligning to what made me happy & made me complete as I gave up the human world of perfection & entering the natural world of imperfections.


Everyone has come to live their own life by choosing what they individually aspire to do which need not match to anybody’s expectation but what we all can aspire in common  is to become better version of ourselves every moment.



20TH MAY 2022


Wednesday, July 6, 2022






Divya ran into my office & was baffled then started  blabbering ”Sir I have been entering vouchers in tally for more than two years & now I have realised that I almost know nothing of accounts.

I calmed her down by offering her a seat “Divya… entering voucher is a small percent of accounts…”

On one side I was explaining her… on the other side I was totally silent with an inner query that “When ignorance is bliss why Divya was agitated, filled with fear  when learnr she was ignorant..then what is that ignorance which is a BLISS?

I realised that Divya had just stepped into the world of GREY IGNORANCE. Only when one realises that they know that they don’t know, the travel begins...from ignorance to knowledge

This was the beginning & tryst with SHADES OF IGNORANCE… For Analogy & better understanding I have divided the ignorance as under:


1.  BLACK IGNORANCE-- is “when we DON’T KNOW THAT WE DON’T KNOW”. Black Ignorance I categorize this state of being in BLISS.


Let me cite an example.  “A contract killer is sitting opposite & I’m completely unaware…” In this state a person is in bliss due to ignorance.


The beauty of the state of Black Ignorance is that 99.99% total population in mankind were  in bliss as they do not even know that they do not know.


2.  GREY  IGNORANCE- is “when we  KNOW THAT WE DON’T KNOW”. Grey Ignorance I categorize this state of being in AGITATION or FEAR. Let me cite an example.  “A contract killer is sitting opposite  & I’m aware…”


 In this state a person is in agitation or develop  fear  due to partial ignorance. Only when one realises that they know that they don’t know the journey begins...from ignorance to knowledge, choosing the options thereafter, the shades starts changing.



The beauty of the state of Grey Ignorance is that 0.01% total population in mankind were agitated as they became aware that they knew that they do not even know.


3.     RED IGNORANCE- is “when we  KNOW THAT WE DON’T KNOW ” Then we attempt to travel the journey to overcome ignorance & give up, or don’t even attempt.


Red Ignorance I categorize this state of being in GUILT or TAG OF FAILURE. Let me cite an example.  “A contract killer is sitting opposite  & I’m aware… & make a HALF HEAERTED  attempt to fight, OR JUST GIVE IT UP ” Many of the suicide case I feel is covered under red ignorance.


The beauty of the state of Red Ignorance is that out 99% out of 0.01% (.00001%) total population in mankind dropped off from taking the journey from ignorance to knowledge.


4.  WHITE IGNORANCE- is “when we  KNOW THAT WE KNOW ” or travel eternally to overcome ignorance without ever giving up.


White Ignorance I categorize a state of all seekers of knowledge. All the knowledge in the domain of human society has been contributed by travelers with White ignorance, whether its Buddha, Fa Hien, Hiuen Tsang, Newton, Einstein, Ramanujam & many more.


The beauty of the state of White Grey Ignorance is that 99% out of 01% (.000000001%) were seekers & rest like Kashyap. Valmiki, Vyas, Atri ,Vashishtha, Buddha, Mahavira &… have reached their goal post & still inspiring the rest of seekers like Nagas Sadhu Babas, Buddhist & jain monks, Dalai Lama are still continuing their inner travel. I feel proud that the practice of inner travel still continues to be a dominant philosophy in India.

5.      GREEN IGNORANCE- is “when we KNOW THAT WE DON’T KNOW BUT PRETEND  AS IF WE KNOW”. Many of us are their in the list & the list just keep growing.  


The beauty of this state is that these were usually the drop outs from the zone of Red Ignorance which comprises majority of total population in mankind


Reaching the stage of omniscience seems impossible that is why some humans eternally became seekers as they accepted the do not know & took to travel the path alone as a seeker eternally and never to come back  till they shall unravel truth.


The knowledge available & known to mankind for the past 50,000 years seems to be a mere fraction of percentage of reality which exists out there as cosmic reality where our solar system & Milkyway itself is a speck of dust.


In the scale of TIME if one has to gather scientific knowledge of any observable PHENOMENA then we need to have the lifespan more than that of the phenomena.


Humans have knowledge about many phenomena like seasons, butterfly, birds many part of flora & fauna. It was easy, we were able to do it as our life span is much bigger than that of the observable phenomena, it is miniscule fraction of the total phenomena. But there is a limitation in shedding ignorance this way.


Many phenomena evolved beyond the lifespan of not humans but entire mankind. In this situation, the problem is “how to gather knowledge with precision”? For example. The age of earth is 4.5 Billion years or 450 Crores years.


While the entire mankind knowledge & combined continuous lifespan of recorded history is not more than 50,000 years. So gathering precise knowledge by taking the sample always can’t be a process of logical deductions, experiment, presumptions & guess work, even though the best & most accomplished scientific method with all levels of modernization & technology suffers from this inherent limitation.

It’s impossible for mankind to gather knowledge through scientific process or even acquire fraction of knowledge as the cosmic reality including an ATOM is Billions of years old.


But many seekers who are humans did not accept the limitations imposed by science & its scientific process. In Hinduism, it is believed that many learned men known as Rishi’s considered as inner scientists, in Indian society, realized this eternal truth that the material world outside them is so huge and impossible in the distance of TIME & SPACE to travel.


It is then the wisdom in them prevailed, where they unconditionally surrendered to the Almighty with helplessness. Its then the benevolence of almighty dawned upon these learned men.


All these learned men experienced that the world outside us is a mere reflection of what exists inside us. Everyone has a GOD’S particle as ATMAN, SPIRIT or SOUL, just by travelling inside & getting eternally connected to our own consciousness we become part of PARAMATMAN, the DIVINE. By just connecting to this divine in us we can access any knowledge by just travelling inside.


Many Asian countries like Japan & China had great warriors like Samurai’s & Shaolin monks & were known for aggression locally, regionally & globally. Their source of being great warriors drew its spirit from India’s self-defense system KALARI PAYATTU & BUDDHISM borrowing these arts  these countries localized & made their own form.


India without sending a single soldier is still the spiritual capital for them. Interesting part is that not only these countries but also other neighbors like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Tibet and many others likeThailand Indonesia, Malaysia, drew their inspiration f heavily  from only Hinduism & Buddhism. This is colloquially represented now as Asian Culture.


India has history from thousands of years of not attacking their neighbors &  held its belief against territorial expansion beyond its age old contours from all sides is drawn from this spirit, which  is deep seated as the process of knowledge gathering.


The core differentiator between rest of the world including western world & India in dispelling ignorance and gathering knowledge is heavily influenced by peaceful method of non-violence instead of violence for having chosen to travelling outside than travelling inside. Let us understand this crucial process of knowledge gathering.


Violence is needed only when we need to win by competing something outside us by showing who is stronger? While fighting with our own self we need to unconditionally surrender with love to our own mind and self by becoming one with the nature and then then choosing the path of Non-violence becomes a neccisity more than a choice.


By surrendering to nature we learn that nature’s intelligence & cosmic intelligence is far superior to combined intellect of human intelligence. The learned men realized that everything is energy, vibrations & frequencies and is amenable for access by raising individual level of  level of consciousness. These learned men also realized that nature or cosmic reality as a creation existed prior to human existence and shall remain after the mankind is gone. Thus natue was independent of human existence.


The learned men realized through experience that without any violence by just surrendering the mind or taking the inward journey and by winning over oneself it is easy to connect with the outside world by just connecting within.


Connecting with Mother-nature without attachment, Is the root of Indian philosophy.


From time immemorial and till date, Indian belief system is entwined where it refers NATURE as BHOOMATA/BHOODEVI (Earth both as Mother & Goddess) & its unequivocal supremacy over human or any species. Every part of nature is venerated & is considered divine, revered & respected. This is another big differentiator between Indian faith-Hinduism & other principal religion Like Islam & Christianity. So violence with nature or others was never part of Indian belief system but being at peace definitely was.


In the realm of science travelling across time & space we need a machine. But our learned men, Rishis & sages travelled back & forth time & space without any machines & precisely calculated the geometry & mathematical calculations by merely developing mind skills. These learned men were inner scientist who were at eternal peace within themselves.


Many so-called developed nations are rich today as they have exploited & plundered the wealth of others in past & still plundering the mother-nature like a commodity, just because they didn’t have it. Food, sunlight & stable climate was and  is still a luxury for them, while the nature blessed Indian and several Asian and African continents with abundance.


The erstwhile plunderers reliance still on this philosophy as foundation has turned them materialistic as they are still seeking truth outside an individual. For this reason they are continuously at war within & leading to war outside.


As long as we seek truth outside us the shade of ignorance shall persist, at CERN, # 1 Scientific research Institute of the world, came to a definite conclusion  by conducting “GOD’S PARTICLE” HIGGS-BOSON EXPERIMENT that…


The combined might of science could not gather knowledge with their best of brains, machines & technology failed to UNRAVEL the mystery, truth & knowledge about an ATOM, the tiniest  particle known to mankind  and science.


To acquire knowledge or dispel ignorance, stop.

travelling outside

Just travel inside


Reaching a stage of omniscience i