Monday, November 26, 2018

Victim IRS Officer Seek Justice For An Independent Inquiry

Date : 26.11.2018
Place:  Bangalore
The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India
New Delhi.

Dear Sir,

Sub: Victim IRS Officer Seeks justice through an independent inquiry: -Reg
Ref-1: CVC OM No. 015/ITX/011/301272 dated 03.12.2015
Ref-2: F. No C – 14011/5/2016- V&L dtd 04.03.2016
Ref-3: DGIT(V)SZ/COM/18/8dtd 05.08.2015
Ref-4: C. No 34/VIG/2015-16/Pr. CC Dated 14.03.2016
Ref-5: F.No: DGIT(V)/DP/573/4898 dated 12.11.2018.

I am Sanghi Sri Hari Rao; from 1999 Batch of Indian Revenue Service belonging to Scheduled Caste -Mala community. My story is an experience of continued harassment and victimization at work place by certain group of officers. The story is going to bring vividly how authorities at top have silently displayed all kinds of bias which has made an outstanding officer to get totally disillusioned in the institutional means of seeking justice as an IRS Officer.

The most interesting part is that the victimized officer rather than getting depressed, worked in unrelated area by putting resignation thrice and became the one and only civil servant in India to win a DST-Lockheed Martin’ India Innovation Growth Programme - GOLD Medal (2015) and several other medals including international acclaim for his innovation in Energy Efficient Gas Fuel Burner System. Today, I am one of the leading thermodynamics gas fuel scientist on radiant heat despite being a commerce student. The present gas fuel burner system has a thermal efficiency under IS 14612 between 36-45%, whereas my innovation has created a new world record between 65-68.9%.

I feel proud that The President of India’s Kitchen, The kitchen of Prime Minister’s Office, ITC Hotels, Infosys, Indian Army, Akshayapatra and host of other premium user is powered by my innovation titled as “AGNISUMUKH”. Please log on to “YouTube & Google” to see “Agnisumukh”, where you will find that today I am the United Nations - International Ambassador for Clean Energy for SDG-7 for UN Agenda 2030 in “Transforming our World”. I am expressing these achievements only as a precursor that victimized officer was not only outstanding while working in Income-tax but became a Global Brand in totally unrelated area even out of work. If the victimized officer could rise in the unknown terrain then what he would have done in his core domain where the Government of India selected him as a civil servant through a competitive exam. So it is a real loss to the Income-tax Department that an ASSET to the Department is being treated shabbily like LIABLITY. Definitely the officer deserves all the respect and dignity through an independent probe where institutional mechanism in the entire Income-tax Department has miserably totally failed.

Let me share the story from the beginning. I joined Indian Civil Service on 20th September, 1999 with great degree of enthusiasm. Every batch mate from 66th Foundation Course and 53rd Batch of IRS, like me not only as an affable officer and a great friend but remember me as an amazing cook, as I have cooked food for all and served in not only in LBSNAA but also in NADT. At work I was outstanding officer right from the probationary days till the year 2005-06.

The entire environment changed in the year 2006-07 as three officers Shri A K Agarwal, the then  CIT (Central), Bangalore, Shri D K Jha, the then Additional CIT (Central) Range -1, Bangalore, Shri Anurag Sahay, the then Additional CIT (Administration), Bangalore, decided to destroy my career.  A detailed story is available vide link As I seek justice let me explain in sequence what all happened in my life leading to victimization and undue harassment for more than a decade. The details are as under:-

1.       Spoiling of my Annual Confidential Report  for the year 2006-07:- Shri A K Agarwal, the then  CIT (Central) Bangalore, Shri D K Jha, the then Additional CIT (Central) Range -1, Bangalore, Shri Anurag Sahay, the then Additional CIT (Administration) colluded with Shri Narender Kumar the then Additional CIT (Central) Range -2 , Bangalore, downgraded my ACR from “Outstanding  to Adverse” on frivolous grounds that too without ever issuing a single memo despite doing outstanding work done during the year. A detailed report of representation is available vide link
a.       Going through the above link will highlight that the half of the adverse remark was on frivolous ground that ACR form was not correctly filled. The entire coterie of immoral men can stoop down to such a level because the filling of ACR form was not my responsibility but the responsibility of “The Chief Commissioner of Bangalore-I” who was the in charge of Administration. Which means the Shri A K Agarwal was writing adverse remark of CCIT-1 in my ACR. The mood clearly shows that all the officers with questionable morality had decided to harass and victimize me.
b.      There various instance of bias at work place including caste bias is openly reflected by Shri A K Agarwal, the then CIT (Central) is very much part of the ACR representation.
c.       The irony is that the Administration under CCIT-1, Bangalore was silent all along when this crime was being committed.
d.      I fought the case bravely and the “Adverse Remarks” of the Reviewing Officer (Shri A K Agarwal, the then CIT (Central), got expunged.
e.       I sought assistance from The Chairman, CBDT to do inquiry on the harassment vide letter dated 11.05.2009. A copy of letter is available vide link but little I realised that I was dealing with deaf and dumb senior authorities.

2.       Initiation of a False Vigilance Case: Shri A K Agarwal, the then  CIT (Central) Bangalore, Shri D K Jha, the then Additional CIT (Central) Range -1, Bangalore & Shri Anurag Sahay, the then Additional CIT (Administration), Bangalore. When the above inhuman officers realised that I have come out unscathed and clean from the ACR issue they created and orchestered the false Vigilance Case.
a.       When the false case was being orchestered, I approached Shri B R Sudhakara, The Director General of Income-tax (Investigation), to protect me form the incoming harassment. I also pleaded to him that let any vigilance case be created against me by any authority but not again by the same officer who attempted to spoil my ACR with malicious intent. The letter dated 05.11.2007 is available vide link But the DGIT(Inv), Bangalore instead of becoming vigilant and protecting an innocent direct recruit young officer also became party to the crime as the false case of Vigilance was created subsequently.

3.       Background of the immoral Officers:-
a.       Shri A K Agarwal, the then CIT (Central) Bangalore & Shri D K Jha, the then Additional CIT (Central) Range -1, Bangalore are the same officers who destroyed the crucial evidence in M/s Oxford Case and subsequently were covered by CBI. Poor colleague U A Chandramouli, the then DCIT got entangled as he took all the blame onto himself on the instruction of AK Agarwal and assurance from Shri Anurag Sahay, was under the strong illusion that the men with questionable morality will save him.
b.      Whereas Shri Anurag Sahay, the then Additional CIT (Administration), Bangalore was unceremoniously removed from Range-6 Bangalore, on the charge of corruption and was shunted to non assessment area. But Anurag Sahay masterminded his entry back to administration where he cleared his name not only from Vigilance but also protected unscrupulous officers and troubled innocent officers. The link will bring out his role and attitude.
c.       Shri A K Agarwal, the then  CIT (Central) Bangalore & Shri D K Jha, the then Additional CIT (Central) Range -1, Bangalore  compromised with a case which caused revenue loss of Crores of Rupees. I brought this matter to respective authorities the detailed letter is available vide link
d.      It is my intervention in the case on the request of the new incumbent assessing officer in central circle the case could be salvaged. My effort itself deserves another GOLD Medal from the Income-tax Department as no assessee will come and file voluntary disclosure letter, when Shri A K Agarwal, the then  CIT (Central) Bangalore & Shri D K Jha, the then Additional CIT (Central) Range -1 has already approved the draft assessment on file reducing the effort of investigation to ZERO undisclosed income. It is a very interesting case and classic case of COLLUSIVE CORRUPTION by immoral men, where I even offered my assistance to vigilance, but till date all relevant authorities are silent and have not contacted me to put the crook officers on check.

4.       Launching of a Vigilance Case: On 14.03.2016 I received a communication from the office of PCCIT-Karnataka that a vigilance case initiating major penalty has been launched based on CVC letter vide CVC OM No. 015/ITX/011/301272 dated 03.12.2015 based on the recommendation of CBDT vide DGIT(V)SZ/COM/18/8dtd 05.08.2015.

The excerpts of the letter are as under
Sub: Case against Shri S S Hari Rao, DCIT - reg
1.       CBDT may refer to their F.No. DGIT(V) S/COM/18/08 dated 05/08/2015 on the subject cited above
2.       Considering the facts & circumstances of the case, the Commission in agreement with the CVO and Member (P&V) would advice ‘intitation of major penalty proceedings against Shri S S Hari Rao, the then DCIT.

Further, the Commission observations are as under:
                                                                     i.            The officer did not complete the assessment in search cases as per the instructions of the CBDT and in the best interest of Revenue. While some of the allegations are in the nature of what should have been done and what was not done, there is no specific requirement by way of any instructions of the CBDT for making such mandatory requirements before the conclusion of the assessment. However, it suffices to state that the assessments were not done appropriately. According to the Commission the most serious misconduct was relating to the issue of refunds in respect of taxes paid on regular assessments by determining lower income in the search assessments.
                                                                   ii.            Even though the provisions relating to approval of the assessment statutorily u/s 153D came into force w.e.f 1.07.2017, there are instructions of the CBDT that the assessment in the Central Circles and in particular assessments were to be completed with the prior approval of the Additional Commissioner, who in fact is supposed to be associated with process of assessment to initiation to completion. The officer does not appear to have followed the said practice.
                                                                 iii.            The role of the Additional Commissioner/Joint Commissioner, the immediate administrative superior Sh. S S Hari Rao, the then DCIT Central Circle II also needs to be examined from the point of view of the failure to ensure proper assessments in these search cases. As mentioned above, there are instructions of the CBDT in this regard and apart from the instructions whether or not there are instructions, it is fundamental duty of an Additional Commissioner of the Central Range to monitor and supervise the assessment being made by the assessing officer working under him. Prima facie the Additional Commissioner failed in performing such duty and guiding the AO, resulting in these poor assessments. Further the refunds incorrectly issued on account of determination of lower income in the assessment u/s 153A/153C compared to original  assessments must have been approved by the Additional CIT/CIT concerned. CBDT may identify the person concerned, call for his explanation and take the matter to a logical conclusion.
                                                                 iv.            The case brings out the classical defect in CBDT Vigilance administration on inordinate delays.
                                                                   v.            The irregularities in the assessment completed in February 2007 by the accused officer were brought to the notice of the DG Vigilance/CVO as early as on 03.03.2008. Agreeing with the DG (Inv) that there was gross irregularities in the assessment, CVO opened a common file and called for a further vigilance report. The matter took 7 ½ years to the FSA stage. In fact the last report of the field authorities/Zonal Vigilance to the CVO does not bring anymore new facts that there were originally brought out on 03.03.2008 except updates in the matter of remedial action. Thus the delay in handling the matter apart from failure to handle misconduct enabled the officer to be promoted. There is a need to fix responsibility for the delays in the vigilance set up.

5.       The actual truth behind the false vigilance case:   The present case was orchestered by the same group of officers with questionable morality who first spoiled my ACR 2006-07 and then initiated false vigilance case. The prosecution witnesses are Shri D K Jha, the then Additional CIT (Central) Range -1 (who was covered subsequently by CBI and in the destruction of crucial evidence and may be about to be dismissed from service), Bangalore, Shri Narender Kumar the then Additional CIT (Central) Range -2 (he is the same reporting officer against whom CVC gave a serious finding & charge in the above Para for failing to carry out the fundamental duty as a Additional Commissioner of Central Range doing Search Assessments), Bangalore and Mr. Ajit Korde. The detailed explanation filed in response to charge is available vide link:
a.       The story behind the main charge leveled by CVC:  A real estate entity was searched where the search proceedings revealed that income in the hands of partner (HR Ravichandra) was wrongly assessed over the number of years as the individual income instead of income assessed in the hands of partnership firm. The same mistake was corrected during search assessments as revenue gain was observed by me. So it is incumbent that the income in the hands of individual has to be adjusted against the partnership by giving refunds and then adjusting with the partnership firm. Even the statutory procedure is to give refunds in the hand of individual and adjust against the partnership as the same was requested by the assessee. So a natural practice in the Income-tax department the same was followed.
                                                                           i.      The prime allegation in Vigilance:  The prime allegation in vigilance is of under assessment. It is stated that the original income of H R Ravichandra as an individual was Rs. 67,75,690/-. The search assessment assessed by me is in the hands of three partnerships ( i) M/s Royal Shelters, ii) M/s Royal Park Residency iii) Royal Habitat, for the assessment period 2000-01 to AY 2003-04  was Rs. 49,06,370/- which led to a Revenue Loss of Rs. 18,63920.

H R Ravichandra
Original Return
Search Assessments
Search Assessment leading to a Revenue Loss of Rs. 18,63920/-

* The DGIT(Vig)/CVO even after having the file for more than 7 ½ years has done totaling mistake as the above total of search assessment in the Articles of Charge-1 comes to Rs. 54,61,180. Therefore, apparently revenue loss has came down to Rs. 13,14,150/- instead of Rs. 18,63,920/-.

                                                                         ii.      The actual reality of the case is in favor of Revenue:  The net impact of assessment proceeding done by me was reducing the income in the hands of H R Ravichandra and assessing the income in the hands FIVE partnership firms  and not THREE partnership firms as alleged in the Articles of Charge-1. The details are:- ( i) M/s Royal Shelters, ii) M/s Royal Park Residency iii) M/s R S Constructions, iv) Royal Habitat, and v) M/s R S Developers for the assessment period 2000-01 to AY 2003-04 has led to enhancement of Revised income by Rs. 9,90,508 thereby bringing additional revenue of Rs. 31,47,213/- in the form of enhanced Income-tax and Interest under Section 234 B & C.
                                                                       iii.      This fact will clearly bring out that the DGIT (Vig) has falsely framed the charge by suppressing the income assessed in the two partnership firms namely: M/s R S Constructions, and M/s R S Developers and sinisterly taking the income of only three firms (i) M/s Royal Shelters, ii) M/s Royal Park Residency iii) Royal Habitat, to create a revenue loss so that “a major penalty can be initiated despite doing an excellent work in search assessment.

H R Ravichandra
Original Return
Search Assessments
Search Assessment leading to a Revenue Gain of Rs. 9,65,508/-

Outcome of Search Assessment done by me
Income Returned
Benefit to  IT Dept
Original Return Tax @ 30%

Revised Return  @ 35%
Income enhanced by

                                                                       iv.      It should be noted that even a kindergarten child knows that total of three entity will naturally appear to be revenue loss as against the total of five entities actually having revenue gain. This becomes a classic case and rare in a vigilance proceeding of harassment and victimisation in the hand of a GATEKEEPER. The irony is that the DGIT(Vig)/CVO sought time from Commission and spent  more than 7 ½ years and still fail to discover the real truth despite having all the material in their possession. This definitely raises the credibility issue of CVO handling my case all along.
                                                                         v.      Fudging the facts and doing the totaling mistake even after having the files for more than a decade gives me strong reason to believe that DGIT (Vig)/CVO has failed to maintain absolute integrity, devotion to duty and exhibited conduct unbecoming of a Government Servant thereby contravening the provisions of Rule 3(1)(i),  3(1)(ii), 3(1)(iii) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules,1964.
                                                                       vi.      I am writing these line very vividly and strongly as I have been indicted for no fault of mine and the same above lines have been written against me from past ten years.  I want the unscrupulous officers down the line to HEAR, ENJOY and EXPERIENCE these lines in my letter directly alleging them as a corollary to poetic justice. I know the blood will rush throughout the body for them and then these men with questionable integrity will realise the pain and personally experience of what I and my family felt for a decade.

b.      Relevance of Vigilance proceedings: With the primary charge getting explained it will be difficult for the proceedings to sustain the other charges as all other charges are trivial.
                                                                           i.      On the day of creating vigilance the charged officer had a complete clean record and devoid of any vigilance angle born out of any complaint.
                                                                         ii.      Many of the charges are baseless as it is leveled without any substance which can be evidenced from the fact that the doubts are being raised without any order getting reviewed under section 263.
                                                                       iii.      There are some orders undertaken under section 263 to hook my case but all assessments were bonafide. The difference of opinion may exist as the Constitution of India provides for application of individual mind in each case. But the fact remains that there is absolutely no vigilance angle to it.
                                                                       iv.      The vigilance proceedings will find tough to justify when the independent inquiry will link the background of the officer being outstanding ever since he joined the service till he came into contact with inhuman officers till the year 2006-07. The wisdom of the proceedings will become difficult when it will be discovered that during the year the charged officer was never issued a memo for any slippage in action for the present proceeding or as an officer.

6.       Rebuttal of CVC findings point by point: - The CVC has indeed become part of a classic and rare case, where the good work of an outstanding officer has been sidelined and has been victimized for more than a decade.
                                                                           i.      The CVC has itself stated that the major penalty was initiated against the charge officer based on the Article of Charge - 1. Once the Article of Charge has been proven wrong, then what is the remedial action is guaranteed to the innocent officer who has suffered for more than a decade?
                                                                         ii.      What action the CVC will take against the unscrupulous officers who have deliberately falsified the case by suppressing a portion of the crucial facts which made an excellent search assessment done by the officer to appear as a case of revenue loss to the department and also doubting the officer’s caliber pertaining to character, integrity and devotion to duty?
                                                                       iii.      What will CVC do to its nominee DGIT(Vig)/CVO in the Income-tax Department for becoming party to crime and twisting the truth and crucial facts for more than a decade for not only dragging the case without any new finding for 7 ½ years?

7.       Farce Vigilance Proceedings under the Inquiry Officer:-  The administration at Bangalore intimated the appointment of Inquiry Officer Shri Harinder Kumar, CIT(A-3), Bangalore. During the course of the inquiry proceedings over a year I found the Inquiry Officer has been biased right from the beginning of the proceedings. For any vigilance case it is the statutory responsibility of the Inquiry Officer to provide for the defence documents to properly defend the officer under the charge. But in my case the story was totally opposite. The details are as under:-
a.       The Inquiry officer denied the defence documents four times and again violating the provision 3.5 of Chapter XI of the Vigilance Manual (1991 Ed) which reads as under: Denial of access to documents which have a relevance to the case will amount to violation of the reasonable opportunity mentioned in Article 311 (2) of the Constitution. Access may not, therefore, be denied except on grounds of relevancy or in the public interest or in the interest of the security of the state. The question of relevancy has to be looked at from the point of view of the Government servant and if there is any possible line of defense to which the document may be in some way relevant, though the relevance is not clear at the time when the Government servant makes the request, the request should not be rejected. The power to deny access on the grounds of public interest or security of State should be exercised only when there are reasonable and sufficient grounds to believe that public interest or security of the State will clearly suffer. Such occasions should be rare. A copy of the letter is available vide link
b.      As there was no light at the end of the tunnel for obtaining defence documents to properly defend myself, a request for the change of officer was written to the disciplinary authority.  A copy of the letter is available vide link
c.       To the utter surprise communication was received from DGIT(Vig)/CVO through a non-speaking order rejecting the change in officer. The attitude of the disciplinary authority is definite display of bias and openly showing contempt not only to the to rule based Vigilance Proceedings as mentioned in the Para 3.5 of Chapter XI of the Vigilance Manual (1991 Ed) but also the Apex court Judgment (Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment Travancore Rayon Lt. Vs Union of India 1971 AIR 862).
d.      The DGIT (Vig)/CVO toeing the same line of action of the inquiry officer without a speaking order and rejecting the request of defence documents makes it apparently clear that both the authorities have joined to fix me by conducting a farce vigilance proceeding.
e.       In the letter the DGIT (Vig)/CVO after rejecting my request for defence documents expressed me to cooperate with finishing the vigilance proceeding at the earliest. I was laughing on the attitude of the authority as everyone is more bothered about statistical number of cases for disposal rather than actually bringing out the truth so as to impart equity and justice. It is clearly understood that rather than hearing my side of story, the CVO was contended and happy with the Inquiry Officer who was perpetrator of crime as the denial of the defence document would have brought me out cleanly in the vigilance proceeding.

8.       No Confidence in the machinery led by DGIT (Vig)/CVO:- The doubts over the credibility of machinery led by DGIT/CVO has been from the sequence of events happening over a decade. The details are as under:-
a.       Spoiling ACR 2006-07:- The custodian of ACR is the Vigilance Department so it is the fundamental duty of Vigilance Department that innocent people should be protected from harassment and victimization and guilty to be punished. In the CBDT, Member (Personnel & Vigilance) is bestowed with this function. But surprisingly when this matter was brought to their notice while creation of vigilance proceedings, I have found no mention to the CVC or any authority the truth behind my vigilance case. It is a mandate in the CVC that Vigilance proceedings cannot be a process of witch-hunting. The DGIT/CVO suppressing this crucial fact from CV proves beyond doubt its active role in causing injustice to me.
b.      Silent on the revenue loss action by the inhuman officer:- The DGIT(Vig)/CVO is already aware that Shri A K Agarwal, the then  CIT (Central) Bangalore, Shri D K Jha, the then Additional CIT (Central) Range -1, Bangalore have been covered by CBI for destroying the crucial evidence in Oxford case. When there was a false case filed against me, DGIT(Vig)/CVO has conducted full length inquiry without finding the truth by taking extra time of 7 ½ years from the Commission. But in case of the officers with questionable morality and integrity, it has not acted even till date where I have given the evidence in a separate case on 30.07.2009 which could have easily fixed these officers with questionable integrity. A detailed letter is available vide link .
c.       Undue delay in finding truth: The Commission itself has made strong observation that the DGIT(Vig)/CVO opened a common file and called for a further vigilance report. The matter took 7 ½ years to the FSA stage. In fact the last report of the field authorities/Zonal Vigilance to the CVO does not bring anymore new facts that there were originally brought out on 03.03.2008 except updates in the matter of remedial action. It is in jurisprudence that Justice delayed is justice denied. But in my case the CVO not only delayed the justice but failed to unearth the real facts of my search assessment case despite taking 7 ½ years .
d.      Party to false vigilance case:- The DGIT(Vig)/CVO after sitting over my case for 7 ½ years and using the entire machinery against me has created a case of “initiating major penalty” for a search assessment leading to revenue loss for the department. It was the fundamental duty of the CVO to find that the primary Article of Charge-1 was totally false and baseless as the search assessment was not in the hands of three partnership firms leading to revenue loss as alleged by DGIT (Vig)/CVO but the search assessments were in the hands of five partnership firms having revenue gain as all the files were available with them for more than a decade. Failure in the part of CVO should be taken seriously as its failure has led an innocent officer to suffer over a decade by being termed as an officer with doubtful integrity.
e.       Display of complete bias in vigilance proceedings: The DGIT(Vig)/CVO is in the full knowledge that the vigilance proceedings has to be conducted with all fairness. For this purpose the DOPT has written a Vigilance Manual titled as “Handbook for Inquiry Officers and Disciplinary Authorities.” No authority in the organisation can go against it and has to defend every instruction whenever it is violated.
                                                                           i.      When the crucial defence document was denied during the course of Inquiry proceedings over a year by the Inquiry officer, the matter was taken to the DGIT/CVO reminding the rights guaranteed in Para 3.5 of Chapter XI of the Vigilance Manual (1991 Ed) and also the Apex court Judgment (Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment Travancore Rayon Lt. Vs Union of India 1971 AIR 862) was mentioned. I also brought out clearly the display of bias by the inquiry officer, which led me to request for the change in Inquiry Officer. Against all cannons of law both the Inquiry Officer & the DGIT (Vig)/CVO rejected my proposal through not only a non-speaking order but also violating Para 3.5 of Chapter XI of the Vigilance Manual (1991 Ed) which mandates providing of defence documents for every charged officer to properly defend themselves.
                                                                         ii.      Now it becomes apparently clear why the DGIT(Vig) acted in hasty manner to complete my vigilance proceedings. It is the DGIT(Vig)/CVO as the authority who was involved in creating a false case by suppressing the real truth, so it is natural that one who aligns with officers giving troubles will definitely have no mercy for an innocent officer by providing equity and justice. A detailed letter is available vide link . Hope the sense of wisdom will prevail in acceding to my request as the chances for adherence to rule based proceedings in my case from DGIT (Vig) CVO looks bleak.
                                                                       iii.      I am sure the mood of CVO will change after seeing this detailed letter as the crimes committed by every senior authority towards me is being brought open in public, as the skeleton from everyone’s cupboard will now become visible.
                                                                       iv.      I have brought this matter in my personal blog open to public from a very long time so as to show that my wailing all along had fallen to deaf ears.
                                                                         v.      Connecting several links of my blog to this letter is also done to reduce stationary print which otherwise would run to several hundred pages to be adduced with this communication.
                                                                       vi.      It is also done with an intention that nobody will put curtain to my thoughts and there are possibilities that someday I may get some justice and bring all unscrupulous elements to book.

9.       Experience of personal humiliation from senior officers while living life with a “Vigilance Tag”:- It is really unfortunate to live life with a vigilance tag. It becomes more humiliating especially when one is totally innocent and honest on one hand and every person who meets looks down from the angle of suspicion by saying “do you know he has a vigilance case against him”. I shall be sharing several episodes with senior officers whose attitude and action literally got me disillusioned as they were completely ruthless to me at work place despite being totally committed.
a.       Mess caused in my life by administration at Bangalore in the year 2007 – First time, I went on long spell of unauthorized leave for almost two years in 2008 that is the year when I placed my resignation for the first time as Deputy Commissioner due to continued harassment by the unscrupulous officers led by Bangalore Administration, where not only my ACR was spoiled but false vigilance case was being orchestered. Both the CCIT-1 and DGIT(Inv), Karnataka and Goa, turned a blind eye on my victimisation.
b.      Depressed period of work in Madurai due to “Vigilance Tag”: I was promoted as Joint Commissioner despite the officers with sinister mind attempted to spoil my ACR and orchestered vigilance case so that my promotion will get blocked as I was in the zone of elevation. The peers and friends convinced me to join the office for the second time.  I gave an honest try by working very hard. But the senior officers made my life miserable. This led me to go on unauthorised leave, second time, for next two years in the year 2012. The incidents are :-
                                                                           i.      Ruthless CIT-1, Madurai: Shri ALKB Chand, CIT-1, Madurai was my reporting officer who humiliated me in public in September 2009 despite I was putting best of efforts in the moffussil area through my hard work. The incident is available in link
                                                                         ii.      Malicious CCIT-IV, Chennai: Shri D Ravindra, CCIT-IV Chennai was creating misinformation campaign maligning my image. The letter is available vide link
                                                                       iii.      Cruel Administration at Chennai: Shri P Selvaganesh a senior officer from Chennai administration was maligning the image in year 2011 especially when I was attending my father who was suffering from rectum cancer. The  letter is available vide link

c.       Unforgiving Administration at Bangalore in the year 2017: I returned from unauthorised leave in the year 2014 as I got transferred from Chennai to Bangalore and was reporting to Smt. Chandana Ramachandran, CIT-(Intl. Taxation). During this period my wife was recuperating from the post-treatment of breast cancer and my father was suffering from relapse of rectum cancer. As the work was not tough I could manage easily and took leave in order to take care of my wife and father. During the year I secured my first GOLD Medal from Department of Science and Technology for my innovation in energy efficient radiant heat gas burner, by becoming the best in the world. I had literally reversed  the gas fuel mechanism to the envy of IIT and MIT.
                                                                           i.      At the end of the year I suddenly found that I was transferred to Bangalore ITAT and the order specifically mentioned “Not to be posted to field posting” I was devastated as I did not receive a single memo from my reporting officer during the year pointing any deficiency at my work. I was disillusioned for the third time and went on unauthorised leave from the year 2015 till date. A detailed letter is available vide link
                                                                         ii.      On 16th October 2017 I found a sealed cover which was a letter from PCCIT-1, Bangalore intimating adverse comments on 30.05.2016 for the year 2014-15.
                                                                       iii.      The letter brought to my notice that in my APAR 2014-15 at Point no.5 in Integrity Column Smt. Chandana Ramachandran, comments were “Insufficient time to judge” which was treated as adverse comment. The comments of the reporting officer are found to be frivolous as the reporting officer need not live life with me to know my integrity, but question only when there is a complaint of corruption. As I did not have any complaints questioning  the integrity, then, I have all the right to be treated as innocent as the dictum for integrity is “Unless until proven Integrity for everyone is beyond doubt.”  This shows that I was again victimized on the issue of ACR by the senior officer. To my surprise the CCIT-1, Bangalore reviewing authority at Bangalore agreed with the reporting officer without ever knowing anything about me.
                                                                       iv.      I sought redressal before the PCCIT-1, Karnataka & Goa. The letter is available in the link . This time I was not surprised when the request got rejected by the unforgiving PCCIT-1, as I had already got immune to inhuman behavior from every administrative quarter by being disillusioned. The irony is that the PCCIT who got the adverse comments from the reporting officer also delayed considerably in seeking my view for months together. I still cannot digest that how the delay at their end was considered as appropriate and fair but my inordinate delay due to no fault of mine was taken very seriously. The attitude of senior officers and the administration clearly reflects that even if you are innocent, honest and an outstanding officer, no one is going to show mercy and compassion if you have “Vigilance Tag”.
                                                                         v.      I did not pursue this matter further as I knew the matter will go to insensitive line of authorities. As I was neither expecting to join back the service nor expecting rising in ranks in IRS I left the matter at that point. I was also sarcastically smiling as it is exactly after a decade my ACR was getting spoiled and there was no change in administration as “ONE CAESER WAS EXACTLY REPLACED BY ANOTHER.”
                                                                       vi.      The procedure of writing ACR is so sacrosanct that a detail procedure is given cautioning the senior authorities not to be reckless while assessing the officer subordinate to them. I feel that PCCIT-1 should have personally invited Smt. Chandana Ramachandran and guided her by stating that “there are only two option on Integrity assessment that is, DOUBTFUL and BEYOND DOUBT. Hence you writing in ACR ““Insufficient time to judge” in Integrity is totally inappropriate as it is going to unnecessarily destroy the career of an innocent officer” This is what an administration has to do if it is having welfare as a driving force in mind. This clearly shows that in our department is not only Smt. Chandana Ramachandran needs training while writing an ACR but many senior authorities in administration.

d.      Lack of Camaraderie in IRS when you have a Vigilance Tag:-  My experience is that in the entire battle not a single colleague, IRS Association or any authority (Shri K V Choudhary, the CVC who is also from IRS & knows me personally) came out to hear my side of story. In IRS we don’t need enemy from outside; we have our fellow men to nicely do that. The irony is that senior direct recruit officer is against only the direct recruit officer. No other service spoils the ACR except IRS and that is why we do not go honorably to deputation outside. This is indeed shameful. Even now I feel that IRS Association rather than concentrating more on dinner get together can become an effective to tool if they set their house in order by streamlining transparent transfer mechanism, timely promotions and taking real issues at work.

10.   Search for new beginning in life at the age of 42 years:- An innocent officer driven to the corner by unscrupulous officers, challenged again and again on integrity issue by a totally insensitive administration and then hounded by Vigilance with a false case and conducting proceeding with a motive to fix the major penalty can do? Lose total faith in the organisation from top to bottom by getting DISILLUSIONED. The easy option available to the officer is to go into PERMANENT DEPRESSION. But that was not the case as I decided to sell DOSA/CHAPPATI on the road and start life afresh. The real challenge now was that I and my family were totally out of energy as professionally I was decimated; financially I was broke as no salary to sustain & lastly compounding to the problem was that of family going through deep health issues. The first thing I decided was that I will never claim any benefit under reservation either for me or my family, but start life dignifiedly as a common man.
a.       Driven by passion: In the times of difficulty there are definitely some angels who will come for rescue to fill the gap. But to live I wanted to choose an area of work to feed me and my family and that is where I found comfort and passion in “Cooking,” which definitely took me to places.
b.      Standardization of Indian Recipe: Just after the first resignation I started standardizing Indian recipes by cooking food on charcoal stove in a small eatery joint at Bangalore. I went on standardizing hundreds of Indian recipes spanning from Saatvik to Non-Saatvik food as I realised that I can taste and reproduce any Indian food.
c.       Invention of world class gas burner system:- Cooking food on charcoal had many problems from preparation time of charcoal for hours to extreme heat, fly ash, unregulatable heat, skill in handling charcoal, etc led me to innovate a radiant heat gas burner system through serendipity. Little I realised that this endeavor is going to make me a leading thermo-dynamic scientist from India literally reversing the gas fuel mechanism and creating new standard in BIS in Radiant Heat for the world to follow.
d.      Awards and Accolades: After being underground for more than seven years, away from family I worked on my passion relentlessly. I accumulated weight of 136 Kg from 85Kg as it was directly reflective of what burden I was actually carrying in my mind. From Gas burner system I evolved a brand “Agnisumukh” and created umpteen applications from cooking ranges to steam boiler, which were energy efficient. Though not being a mechanical engineer, I competed in open technology competition with IIT students. Beating many young and smart talents from technical background, I got awarded with several medal and accolades nationally and internationally in the past three years. The details of  the achievements of Agnisumukh innovation has been accredited with the following recognitions:
                                                                           i.      Gold Medal in DST- Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2015.
                                                                         ii.      National winner in United Nation’s Global Cleantech Innovation Program 2015. 
                                                                       iii.      DICCI Business Excellence award from the Honorable Prime Minister of India for their campaign and contribution to “Make in India” and climate change.
                                                                       iv.      Agnisumukh was showcased in CEM7 Startups & Solutions Showcase Exhibitor from India in June 2016. 
                                                                         v.      Agnisumukh was one of the top 10 technologies in the past decade shortlisted by the US Department of Defense, FICCI and was part of the round table conference held by the Defense Secretary - Ash Carter in June 2016 at New Delhi.
                                                                       vi.      Agnisumukh was invited by UNIDO in COP-22 at Marrakesh, Morocco representing India in clean-tech in November 2016.
                                                                      vii.      CTI PFAN 2016 declared Agnisumukh project as one of the top ten investment opportunities in Asia in February 2017.
                                                                    viii.      Agnisumukh selected as Entrepreneur on the Edge by Asian Development Bank under “Energy for All Platform” in May 2017.
                                                                       ix.      Jury appreciation Award in DST Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2.0, 2017.
                                                                         x.      CII National Award for Excellence in Energy Management 2017 – Most Innovative Product of the Year.
                                                                       xi.      High Level Speaker in Vienna Energy Forum in May 2018
                                                                      xii.      Speaker in Roundtable Conference in GEF Assembly-Vietnam in June 2018
                                                                    xiii.      Gold Medal from Institute of Economic Studies for “International Leadership Innovation Excellence Award” at International Economic Summit at Bangkok in November 2018
                                                                    xiv.      Client List: Our client list includes ITC Hotels - “The Greenest Luxury Hotel Chain in the World”, Infosys, Radisson Blu, Park Plaza Hotel, Apollo Hospitals, Club Mahindra, Wonder La, Citrix etc. We have implemented projects on LPG, PNG and Bio-Methane with validated energy efficiency savings beyond 30%. We are proud to announce that the kitchens of The President of India and The Prime Minister’s Office and DG - Defense Estates project at Chennai are powered by our innovation as well. India’s perennial food bowl “Akshaya Patra” and Indian Army is our latest addition to this sterling list.
                                                                      xv.      Agnisumukh was the official partner to “Le Club des Chefs des Chefs”, an exclusive association of royal chefs of the world which met in India in 2016. At this forum, Agnisumukh platform was showcased as the most innovative, gourmet platform for cooking by Chef Manjit Singh Gill, Corporate Chef of ITC Hotels along with our innovator Mr. Hari Rao. We are the official partners of Indian Federation of Culinary Association (IFCA) and have presented our disruptive innovative to the conglomerate of the best chefs in the country.

11.   Demand for Equity and Justice: The above story looks too good to be true but it is only those officers can achieve when harassed and victimized who are ready to start afresh at anytime without a bureaucrat tag. I have right to demand equity and justice so that truth can prevail. The following are my expectations:-
a.       Seek empathy but not sympathy: I want every person who reads this letter to go through my ordeal so as to become empathical. Experiencing my life you not only know my pain but also visualise what they would have done in my situation. I do not want self-pity for soft peddling in the vigilance proceedings as I am ready to get buried if truth is otherwise to what I have stated in this letter.
b.      Independent Inquiry: It is said in jurisprudence that “hundred criminals may go scot free but one innocent must not suffer. But in my case it was totally otherwise. I demand an independent inquiry as institutional mechanism led by DGIT (Vig)/CVO has totally failed. I want the disciplinary proceedings against me should be conducted by any authorities other than the present Inquiry Officer and the DGIT (Vig)/CVO as both have scant respect to rule based proceedings as mentioned in the Vigilance Manual.
c.       Punishing the guilty: After a thorough probe I want the responsibility to be fixed so that unscrupulous element will get punished which will send strong signals to other perpetrators.
a.       Vibrant institutional mechanism: Administration core is with “WELFARE” & Vigilance core is being ALERT. Both naturally mean that “PROTECT THE INNOCENT and PUNISH THE GUILTY” as it will not only add welfare but the organisation become totally vigilant. In my case all authorities right from CBDT Chairman, DGIT(Vig), PCCIT-1, DGIT(Inv) and many other senior authorities did quite opposite to what is expected them to do as their FUNDAMENTAL DUTY. This clearly highlights that taking the VIGILANCE OATH for unscrupulous officer appears to be a lip service as it is being more violated than being followed. I propose that there should strong institutional mechanism and a separate desk for handling grievance and complaint. Every ACR should have an additional column to give rating of their reporting officer and reviewing officer to know whether they have guided or harassed them. This is a moving forward step as 360° performance review can set house in total order. Every Vigilance Proceeding must have a dossier right from the case getting built up till the charge is initiated to find whether there is nexus between the PROSECUTION WITNESSES and CHARGED OFFICER. The allegation of the charged officer against the prosecution witness should also become part of the same vigilance proceeding. This will assist the CVC as the Commission is doing through their respective nominee who can be unfair like DGIT(Vig)/CVO in my own case.
b.      Personal audience and apology: I have a desire to have personal audience before you and have presence of authorities who have derelict their responsibility, belittling their position by not performing their official duties with responsibility.  I demand personal apology from every position who failed to discharge their responsibility in protecting an innocent in my case and helping the crooks.
c.       Honorable exit from the service: - I am dragging my feet in Income-tax Department to exit gracefully with pride and dignity, by putting a brave fight. This would be a lesson for many in the years to come. After going through this entire ordeal, I do not find any connect with CBDT as no authorities from their chair have ever invited to know my side of story. I demand an honorable exit with grace and gratitude as enough humiliation I and my family have gone through. I am positive that I will not only be part of a billion dollar global company from India but take our country to the next level of gas fuel technology by becoming the envy of the world.

Sir, I have come before you with great sense of hope and also a wish that the wrong committed at various levels of hierarchy will be inquired into. I am not asking to soften any stand on my departmental inquiry but want the proceedings to be conducted by Inquiry Officer who can impart fairness and justice by respecting the processes laid down by the law.

I thank you and eagerly look forward to hear from you and meet you in person

                                                                                         Yours faithfully
                                                                                      (Sanghi Sri Hari Rao)
                                                                                JCIT (OSD), O/o Pr. CCIT -Bangalore

CC to: -
1.       The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, New Delhi
2.       The Hon’ble Finance Minister of India. New Delhi
3.       The Chief Vigilance Commissioner, New Delhi.
4.       The Chairman, CBDT, New Delhi.
5.       The Member (Personnel & Vigilance), New Delhi
6.       The Director General Income-tax (Vigilance), New Delhi.
7.       The Additional Director-General Income-tax (Vigilance)(South), Chennai.
8.       The Principle Chief Commissioner of Income-tax, Bangalore-I.
9.       The Under Secretary to the Govt. Of India (V&L), New Delhi
10.   The Addl. CIT (Vigilance), Bangalore
11.   The Inquiry Officer, CIT (A)-3, Bangalore
12.   The Presenting Officer, the DCIT Central Circle 2(2) Bangalore.

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