Sunday, November 25, 2018

Farce Vigilance Proceedings under the Inquiry Officer

Date:  13.10.2018
Place:  Bangalore
The Inquiry Officer,
CIT (A)-3,

 Respected Sir,

Sub: The display of prejudice and bias by the Inquiry Officer -Reg.
Ref: Your letter dated 12.02.2018, 25.09.2018, & 12.10.2018
Ref: My letter dated 24.11.2017, 13.02.2018, 22.02.2018 & 05.10.2018

Kindly refer to the above.

This is to inform your good self that the undersigned has perused your rejection of defence documents vide letters dated 12.02.2018, 25.09.2018, & 12.10.2018, respectively.

In this regard, I would like to state that your order of rejection of defence documents was not a speaking order. I may also submit that vide letter dated 22.02.2018 the undersigned had placed reliance on 3.5 of Chapter XI of the Vigilance Manual (1991 Ed) which reads as under:

Denial of access to documents which have a relevance to the case will amount to violation of the reasonable opportunity mentioned in Article 311 (2) of the Constitution. Access may not, therefore, be denied except on grounds of relevancy or in the public interest or in the interest of the security of the state. The question of relevancy has to be looked at from the point of view of the Government servant and if there is any possible line of defense to which the document may be in some way relevant, though the relevance is not clear at the time when the Government servant makes the request, the request should not be rejected. The power to deny access on the grounds of public interest or security of State should be exercised only when there are reasonable and sufficient grounds to believe that public interest or security of the State will clearly suffer. Such occasions should be rare.

It is really unfortunate to note that in your letter dated 25.09.2018 & 12.10.2018, you have neither referred to nor discussed this mandatory provision of Government of India’s instructions contained in Vigilance Manual and hence your order dated 25.09.2018 &12.10.2018 is non-speaking order and therefore does not conform to the principle of natural justice. In this regards reliance is placed on the Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgement Travancore Rayon Lt. Vs Union of India 1971 AIR 862 (Copy enclosed for your ready reference. The relevant Para’s of the said judgement are quoted as under

Para -1: The order made by Central Government is subject to appeal to this court under Article 136 of the Constitution. It would be impossible to this Court, exercising jurisdiction under Article 136, to decide the dispute without a speaking order of the authority, setting out the nature of dispute the arguments in support thereof raised by the aggrieved party and reasonably disclosing that the received the due consideration by the authority competent to decide the dispute. Exercise of the right to appeal to this Court would be futile, if the authority does not disclose the reasons in support of the decisions reached by it. A party who at broaches the Government in exercise of a statutory right for Adjudication of a dispute is entitled to know...what was considered by him, and the reasons for recording a decision against him. To enable the High Court or this Court to exercise its constitutional powers, not only the decisions, but an adequate disclosure of materials justifying an inference that there has been a judicial consideration of the dispute, by an authority competent in that behalf in the light of the claim made by the aggrieved party, is necessary. If the Officer acting on behalf of the Government chooses to give no reasons, the right to appeal will be devoid of substance.   

Para – 2: When judicial power is exercised by an authority normally performing executive or administrative function, this Court would require to be satisfied that the decision has been reached after due consideration of the merits and dispute, uninfluenced by extraneous considerations of policy and expediency. The Court insists upon the disclosure of the reasons in support of the order on two grounds: one, that the party aggrieved in a proceeding before High Court or this Court has the opportunity to demonstrate that the reasons which persuaded the authority to reject his case were erroneous: the other that the obligation to record reasons operate as a deterrent against possible arbitrary action by the executive authority invested with the judicial power. The appeal is allowed and order passed by the Central Government is set aside.

From the judgement of the Supreme Court (Supra) it is abundantly clear that no reasons have been assigned in your letter dated 25.09.2018 in which you have relied on your rejection of documents in letter dated 12.02.2018.

Ipso Facto your conclusion stating that “since the above aspects do not have any bearing on the present disciplinary proceedings in your case, so your request for providing documents relating to Monthly DO, Cap-I and Cap-II is not accepted.” Curiously enough, contrary to the Ratio Decidendi of the above mentioned Apex Court judgement you have not elaborated upon any reason whatsoever before reaching your conclusion that these documents are unrelated and have no bearing. Thus, your rejection of defence documents is arbitrary, without any reason and totally in violation of Supreme Court Judgement. Moreover, your stoic silence over instruction contained in Vigilance Manual (as mentioned above) clearly shows contempt for the rule based disciplinary proceedings. Consequently the bias and the prejudice is the charged officer is writ large on both the letters dated 12.02.2018 & 25.09.2018.

As far the issue of the relevance of the defence document is concerned Vigilance manual has clearly laid down that “it should be perceived from the view of charged officer and his defence.” For this proposition I am placing reliance on the Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgement in the case of M V Bijlani Vs Union of India Case no. Appeal 8267of 2004 (Copy enclosed for your ready reference) and the relevant Para is reproduced as under:

Para – Inquiry Officer performs a quasi-judicial function, who upon analysing the documents must arrive at a conclusion that there have been preponderance of probability to prove charges on the basis of materials on record. While doing so, he cannot take consideration of irrelevant fact. He cannot refuse to consider the relevant facts. He cannot shift the burden of proof.

From the perusal of the above mentioned judgement it is apparent that the Highest Court of the Land has observed that “He (inquiry officer) cannot refuse to consider the relevant facts. He cannot shift the burden of proof.” Thus it is apparent that even the Apex Court judgement and its Ratio Decidendi is being violated in your order through which you have rejected the request of defence documents. I am also quoting the relevant portion of the Vigilance Manual again for your ready reference, which reads as under:-

The question of relevancy has to be looked at from the point of view of the Government servant and if there is any possible line of defense to which the document may be in some way relevant, though the relevance is not clear at the time when the Government servant makes the request, the request should not be rejected. The power to deny access on the grounds of public interest or security of State should be exercised only when there are reasonable and sufficient grounds to believe that public interest or security of the State will clearly suffer. Such occasions should be rare.

Perusal of the Article of Charges in the case of undersigned clearly shows that it has been alleged in these charges that the undersigned has not sought the approval of the Additional Commissioner of Income-tax, while passing the scrutiny assessment orders in search assessments. It defies logic as to how Monthly DO, CAP-I and CAP-II which were submitted by the undersigned to his Additional Commissioner of Income-tax were not relevant.

The inquiry officer vide letter dated 12.02.2018 & 25.09.2018 rejected the charged officer request without a speaking order by drawing a conclusion thatA perusal of the above letters shows that the basic purpose of seeking such documents is to prove that the action needs to be taken against some other officers also, who failed to discharge their duty of monitoring and guiding the AO. Another stated purpose for seeking these documents is to show that Addl.CIT was aware of your work and had total knowledge of what you were doing on regular basis. Since the above aspects do not have any direct bearing on the present disciplinary proceedings in your case, so your request of providing this document is not accepted.” The inquiry officer is fully aware that the vigilance proceedings has been initiated against the undersigned vide CVC OM No. 015/ITX/011/301272 Dated 03.12.2015 and DGIT(V)SZ/COM/18/08 dated 05/08/2015.

The inquiry officer is totally aware that in the same letter vide CVC OM No. 015/ITX/011/301272 Dated 03.12.2015 and DGIT(V)SZ/COM/18/08 dated 05/08/2015 in unequivocal term has charged the role of Additional Commissioner where the vide Para 2(iii) asThe role of Additional Commissioner/Joint Commissioner, the immediate administrative superior of Sh. S S Hari Rao, then DCIT Central Circle II also needs to be examined from the point of view of failure to ensure proper assessments in these search cases. As mentioned above there are instructions of the CBDT in this regards and part of the instructions whether or not there are instructions, it is the fundamental duty of an Additional Commissioner in the Central Range to monitor and supervise the assessment made by the assessing officer working under him. Prima facie the Addl. CIT failed in performing such duty of monitoring and guiding the AO, resulting in these poor assessments. Further the refunds incorrectly issued on account of determination of lower income in the assessments u/s 153A/153C compared to original to assessments also must have been approved by the Addl. CIT/CIT concerned. CBDT may identify the person concerned for his explanation and take the matter to a logical conclusion.

The inquiry officer is also fully aware that the institutional mechanism in Income-tax Department has the monthly statutory reporting system between various levels of authority only through CAP-I, CAP-II & Monthly DO for work and disposal. The inquiry officer turning a blind eye to the above fact, also not taking any initiative to the observation of CVC on one hand and then denying the charged officer the defence documents in support of the full knowledge of the Additional CIT of the assessment proceedings on the other, raises serious concern to the fairness, transparency and impartiality of the inquiry proceedings.

Similarly the evidence showing the circulation of the guidelines of the CBDT to the Additional CIT and to the undersigned, which is the lynchpin of all the charges is stated to be “not traceable and hence cannot be supplied.” It is reprehensible to note as to how in the absence of the evidence of the circulation of the CBDT guidelines the Charge of not following the same can be substantiated by the prosecution. It is also not comprehensible to the undersigned when all the charges allege violation of Rule 3(1)(i) of CCS Conduct Rules 1964 relating to lack of integrity, then how come the column of integrity in the APAR is not relevant for the defense of the undersigned in his disciplinary proceedings.

During the year 2006-07, the charged officer was neither issued a memorandum for any of the issues raised in the Articles of Charge nor any memorandum for any misdemeanour, misconduct or lack of integrity issue in his entire career from the date of joining the service; instead the charged officer was always rated as OUTSTANDING in the APAR till 2005-06, clearly shows that there was no mens rea while disposing work in his official capacity. The inquiry officer act of denial for any copies of memorandum issued by the Additional CIT, Central Circle-Range -2, Bangalore for the year 2006-07 has led to the act of suppression of fact that neither memorandum for any misdemeanour, misconduct or lack of integrity issue by charged officer existed during the year for which articles of charge were framed nor for any act in the earlier years. The reality would remain that the charged officer’s “INTEGRITY WAS BEYOND DOUBT” meaning impeccable character and integrity all along his work in Indian Revenue Service.

Last but not the least, your letter dated 12.02.2018 also refers to the factum of remedial action taken in various cases will not have any bearing is also totally farfetched, in as much as, the various articles of charges allege that assessment orders passed by the undersigned were erroneous as well as prejudicial to the interest of revenue even on those cases where no action were undertaken by the CIT under Section 263. In fact the main plank of the defence of the undersigned also refers to the issue of no action under Section 263 by the CIT will naturally tantamount to any jurisprudence that there cannot be any case of erroneous assessment order on the part of the undersigned.

From the above facts it becomes clear that “the CONSTITUTIONAL LAW is screaming that “defence documents must be given to charged officer”, the Vigilance Manual is screaming that “the question of relevancy has to be looked at from the point of view of the Government servant and the request should not be rejected”, the Apex Court is screaming that “there must be a speaking order and defence document must not be denied”, the charged officer is repeatedly pleading for defence what is legally due but the inquiry officer action of rejecting crucial defence documents again and again speaks of contempt for law, display of total arbitrariness, prejudice, bias and total lack of fairness.

As your honour has chosen to ignore all my requests including the one made on 05.10.2018 and has categorised disciplinary proceedings in my case as one of the rare case in which the request of defence document is rejected, it is all the more transparently evident that you have decided against all the cannons of law and hence displayed prejudice and bias against the undersigned.

In view of the facts, circumstances and the case laws of the Apex Court mentioned herein above, I have reason to believe that the disciplinary proceedings in my case are being reduced to farce as against to hold the same in accordance of provisions of the CCS (CCA) Rules, Vigilance Manual and the judgement of the Apex Court. If the defence document legally available to the charged officer is difficult in accessing from the inquiry officer, then the question of fairness, transparency and justice is the least the charged officer can expect out of this proceeding led by the inquiry officer. Therefore, I have been left with no option but to request to the Disciplinary Authority to change the inquiry officer in my case, if your good self still maintain that all the defence documents requisitioned by the undersigned should be denied as happened earlier.

Accordingly this is the last and final request to supply all the defence documents and in case these are again rejected then I shall be approaching the Disciplinary Authority for the change of inquiry officer for displaying prejudice and bias, vindicating no hope of fairness, transparency and justice in my vigilance proceeding.

Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,

                                                                    (Sanghi Sri Hari Rao)

CC to:-
1.    The Under Secretary to the Govt. Of India (V&L)
2.    The Addl. CIT (Vigilance), Bangalore

3.    The Presenting Officer, the DCIT Central Circle 2(2) Bangalore.

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