Monday, October 31, 2011

Wanna be happy? Remove the Garbage within.


Every being seeks every moment to be only HAPPY and nothing else. If this is what the ultimate truth is then what are we all seeking for and where? We seek HAPPINESS in LIFE only in a relationship. Let’s understand what life is all about.

Life is an experience born out of relationship. Right from the point we take the first and last breath we enter, sustain and exit only in a relationship. The relationship which we enter and exit is with animate matter which has life and the inanimate matter which doesn’t have life. By this dictum, while the passage of life we first enter into relationship with our own body then with the clothes we wear, food we eat, shelter we live, the people we meet, things which we use… It’s not only that the relationships are limited to the things which we can tangibly experience but also beyond. Relating with the intangible things like GOD, thoughts and feelings are the experience which we can’t see but are the pure phenomena connected with the basic energy which we all call as soul.

Every relationship is a wonderful aspect as long as it is free from problems. Therefore we need to understand why the problem arises in any relationship? This is what I have attempted to explain below in the concept of drainage.

“Why does drainage overflow?

What happens if the issue is not addressed sooner or later?

How to fix the problem of choked drainage?”

You must be wondering

“Why this stupid question is being asked at all when the answer is so simple?

How is it connected to our life at this juncture?

At this juncture I still ask you the same question and then request you to just look at a CHILD and then look yourself in a mirror too.

What do you find?

You will find that the child is just a vibrant energy whose energy is akin to an ever blooming flower whereas the energy level in us is much lower than what is in a child.

If we were the same child from whom we have transformed into an adult then where did we leave our vibrant energy which is making us a flower with lesser life than what we were when we were a child? The answer simply lies in the concept of drainage.

Drainage overflows whenever it gets choked due to blockage caused by some garbage. Whenever the drainage gets choked we need to remove the blocked garbage or dissolve the garbage for the smooth flow. If the choked drainage is not cleared then sooner or later the surrounding starts stinking and the place becomes inhabitable. An honest cry, laughter and scolding in one’s relationship with the other is very essential to keep the drainage clean in one’s own body and mind.

Our life has got so conditioned in an adult that it refuses to respond to its natural behaviour. Every conditioned behaviour contrary to natural behaviour creates a small heap of garbage which gets collected in mind and in turn manifests in a body. Systematic collection of this garbage in our mind over a period of time will make our drainage choked. Let us see how it operates?

If one wants to genuinely cry then some of the responses are: Why the hell you are crying? You are neither a girl nor a child…?

If one wants to genuinely laugh then some of the responses are: Stop laughing people will think you are mad. Have you gone mad?...

If one discovers that one is harming us at the back, we may due to our own selfish interests pretend and act quite opposite. “Boss you are great and you have been very helpful” instead the inner response while saying the praise was “Rascal and wretched soul, you need be slapped publicly”

Every act of living contrary to one’s own self would systematically collect garbage inside the mind of an adult which is never there in a child. That’s why generally an adult does not look like a full bloomed flower like a child. A child by living its natural behaviour never allows the garbage to be collected for long but brings it out as soon as possible.

Every CHILD is vibrant energy over an ADULT as its DRAINAGE is always CLEAN.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. It is this garbage that also prevents us from expressing ourselves as we are. How wonderful if we all could easily flow and not be stiff and stuffed with all kinds of guilt, resentment, anger, jealousy - garbage. But tell me Hari, how does the adult get rid of the garbage? Is it only awareness or is there any other way you suggest?
