Sin is a social concept for maintaining social order in society
We must first understand why a Society is formed and the basis of a formation of Society?
SOCIETY or a social formation is a group of people who come together for social living. Members in a society, on consensus basis, create rules for every aspect of social life such as marriage, divorce, commerce, polity, spiritual etc. The rules are made so that there will be perfect social order for the smooth functioning of a society. These rules are indoctrinated in each member right from childhood by the families by social conditioning.
Violation of the rules by any member of a society is branded as a sin (for e.g. infidelity) which is followed by guilt in the perpetrators mind. Whereas following it is treated as vice-versa.
Any SOCIETY or a social formation is born with the birth of only an INSTITUTION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY.
What is institution of private property?
It means the person who accumulates a surplus of any kind (FOOD, GOLD, SILVER, etc.) becomes the owner which was earlier fully and wholly appropriated by the tribe. Since he/she becomes the owner of surplus he created MARRIAGE as an institution in order to transfer this surplus to his own child. This is how society got created and so have social laws, customs, religion and so on.
So now you know that its only the SOCIETY which created all the concepts like good, bad, guilt, sin etc which was tutored to each member of society right from their childhood in order to smoothly transfer the SURPLUS protected through INSTITUTION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY. Since every human being is a thinking being, it was sent to his mind, and he gets conditioned with all these values right from childhood.
So there is no society when there is no institution of private property?
In reality there is no meaning and relevance of anything of society as it’s just an ABSTRACT and RELATIVE. All words and its value has been created and imposed on each human being so that society can operate smoothly.
Let me give first example by taking the animal kingdom. Do you find any guilt in animal kingdom, sin, abuse, rape…? No. This is what we all were when humans were nomads and barbaric. So what sin, fidelity, good, bad … we all are talking about?
Let us study the most primitive society which is a TRIBE:
In every tribe the work for every member was divided. No member had any individual property as everything was the property of the entire tribe. Any woman or man could sleep with anyone only with free will. If force was used then the persons were killed. The child born to any woman was the property of the entire tribe and was reared by the tribe. Though the mother had the sole right in rearing the child. That’s all.
Then tell me what sin or what infidelity are we generally hooked on to?
Just consider the example that in some societies it is permissible for men to marry many women and women to marry many men. In some societies killing old people is accepted and in some killing the weak is allowed. So everything is purely societal creation and nothing is SPIRITUAL or RELEVANT. So in reality nothing exists in human world too. EVERYTHING IN SOCIETY is abstract and it is nothing but social creation. It’s just social conditioning my dear friend.
We should never cheat the consciousness and do any thing as it is INFIDELITY.
Human beings made life very complex and have put each being in a state of total confusion. In order to know the concept, always look at the animal world for perfect answers. It is still unpolluted.
No animal kills the other just to accumulate. It does only in its self defense or for eating. This is what is not cheating, the consciousness. When we become greedy then we cheat our consciousness and it becomes sin, guilt, infidelity.
What is INFIDELITY? Is it related to physical gratification in marriage?
FIDE- FAITH in LATIN. If you join IN as a prefix to FIDELITY it becomes negative connotation by which INFIDELTIY means LACK OF FAITH.
So if you are sleeping with your husband without your own faith or consciousness that itself is INFIDELITY as it’s devoid of free will. Which itself becomes a SIN because one is doing it against one’s consciousness.
Infidelity doesn’t mean that just because you got married you must sleep. It means you should never sleep even if you get married till it becomes your free will - driven by absolute FAITH which is devoid of FEAR, GREED, COERCION or any MENTAL PRESSURE.
INFIDELITY is not only restricted to SEX but every aspect of human life. If you do anything against your consciousness it is INFIDELITY and it’s a SIN. FIDELTIY or INFIDELTIY can be to a job, having a friend, killing, tasting, reading… if you do with your consciousness it’s FIDELITY and if it’s not then INFIDELITY.
How to know an aspect is fidelity and infidelity?
The yardstick is FEEL GOOD FACTOR from deep inside our being. If you don’t feel happy from within then it is cheating our consciousness and if you feel happy from within then it is pure fidelity.
When every action as long as we live, is taken in full consciousness, we merge with the existence and become enlightened.
Living without FEAR and GREED but absolute FAITH and TRUST is the only path to SPIRITUALITY. Spirituality is the domain of only human beings as they can only think and know the concept of death. Just because we have taken a wrong step doesn’t mean that we need to continue as spiritual path can be taken at anytime by living for ourselves and being true to body, soul, heart and mind. Then only one can live to their true potential and will merge with GOD and attain NIRVANA.
Humans get enlightened because they are put into society which creates so many webs and makes every member get stuck with misery, worry, fear … One who comes out and see all things clearly starts his journey in his spiritual path for enlightenment.
In the path to enlightenment when we live for ourselves, following our heart it can never be short of traveling in spiritual path. But when you started using our head we go back many steps backward and get entrapped in societal WEB.
So we will be back to the SPIRITUAL PATH for the enlightened only by living according to your consciousness. It’s a SIN to live cheating our consciousness because you can never live life to your full potential.
Hari Rao
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