Nobody is perfect that is why understanding is so important.
Relationship gives meaning to life and search for desires in relationship keeps the life going. In this journey many relationship get dropped at the middle and many travel till the end of road. The one which we carry by tolerating may be a duty or is still left with some steam at the edges. But the ones which titillate our soul even in the darkest of hours, brings only smile or tears of happiness. These are definitely the special ones, which we miss so much again and again. Why in sum total of our relationship, we still find these wonderful ones visible as the beacon from any corner, is the mystery which we all need to unfold.
I need not search the mystery elsewhere but penetrate deep into our bonding as it is not as sweet as it appears to be now. We too have been through an extremely rough weather which reflected the harsh flavours in its nastiest form but what kept our relationship going was the weaving done with elegance whenever there was deep hole penetrated into our mattress. Mending the fabric could not have been one sided as the clap from both our hands were so loud and clear when we exchange sometime the needle and sometime the twine.
What infuses the stamina in a relationship is not that one has to utter ‘YES’ all the time but can afford to say loudly ‘NO’ with a harsh voice, but the conditions applies to the pitch of throat and the stillness of a heart. The cry may reach peak decibel but a silent pamper of heart continues to sing melody cajoling the spirit of one we love. When ego surrenders amidst loud noise, respecting each other’s personal space comes to fore reminding that understanding is not about acceptance but agreeing to disagree is the bottom-line.
Relationships are not about seeing our own self in others but respecting that the opposite is unique and different. What turns a relation sordid and sour is that bit of over enthusiasm which gives the flavour of victory over our perceptible defeat. Defeat is not about scoring a point but trampling a heart which shows no mercy about the imperfection which I am deeply embedded with. If the imperfection is what you will grind against my own soul then how can you ever appreciate of what I am as I am full of these imperfections which make me, ME.
Freedom from any probable hurt is what makes a relationship very protective, it is not the seamless selfishness but the understanding that no one has right hurt a beautiful soul who is the beloved. When we have never eyed for anybody’s approval of our relationship then little scope is left for any person to throw stones of what we are. It is not that the penetrating stones will bleed you but the fountain of blood which will release as I am ever gonna be shield to you. This is what will make you wreath in pain as you’re my wound is not left to me but pierce equally through your body. Understanding becomes imperative in guarding the loved ones as shield which can replace smiles and laughter with pain and despair.
Understanding was never about fishing in troubled waters but to hold me when I fall despite the path I chose contrary to your belief. Every act of disgust in me was breathed with stories and song of life only to divert me of my anguish till the darkness was all about to see the daylight. It never mattered about the cold floors but the warmth of your hands encircled and loud beat of your heart upon which I spent my cushiony night from dusk to dawn. Radiance was all over when my eyes opened and the silhouettes of an angel blocking the bright light made the mind run backwards of what held me all night during the darkest hours. Reminiscing every moment of yesterdays despair and how a tired soul was nourished instantly froze the tears rolling down my cheeks, the broad meaning of understanding was blended in me of not what you said but what was always unsaid.
The philosophy that “nobody is perfect that is why understanding is needed” got blended in my blood running all over my body. We both being so different but still being so similar is what I realised. It also faded the victory/defeat, loss/gain and yours/mine. This dissolving of thy selves at the end of journey is what understanding is all about as semblance of all tests.
My life experience circumvents around you and is sucked in inside your soul. All my expression about the experiential reality is written from that seat of cajole and comfort rising from your soul. Feel blessed of this merging where you is still you and me is still me and yet we both are one and the UNITY.